Anastasia Prosina

Anastasia Prosina is a Space Architect, Founder & CEO at Stellar Amenities, a space architecture company with the mission of uplifting space tourist experience and astronaut wellbeing and performance, for a smooth transition to the multiplanetary future.‍

Before founding her practice, Anastasia worked with MIT Media Lab, NASA, Mars Society, and multiple private aerospace companies. As a thought leader on space architecture, she has publicly spoken around the globe, including SXSW, LA Design Week, Brown University, Mars Society Convention, New Worlds Conference, and co-authored papers and publications on the subject matter. She is frequently invited to jury and review the work of others in the fields of Space Architecture, Innovation in Architecture and Sustainability. The most recent work includes:

✦ International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) 2022, Paper Reviewer in Space Architecture Section
✦ ASCEND 2020, Space Architecture Abstract Reviewer✦ Jury member at the international architecture competitionSpace Architecture Abstract Reviewer
✦ Jury member at the international architecture competition Hong Kong Drone Port

For more information, access Anastasia's CV and examples of engagement.

Anastasia holds an MS in Space Architecture from the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture at the University of Houston and a Bachelor of Architecture in Urban Planning from Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design, and Art.‍




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